Thursday, December 17, 2009

Art for a college application

My niece is applying to college this fall, and among her choices are several art schools. She is a very talented artist (probably among a number of other talented applicants, but still).  One school she is applying to is the Rhode Island School of Design.

As part of the application process, and in addition to their portfolio, each applicant is required to submit three specific drawings.  One of them is an assignment to draw the same item, but from three different perspectives.  Now you and I would think that meant you should show the item from three different angles.  But my niece is cleverer than you or I.

She chose to draw a Barbie doll, and she did the three drawings from the perspectives of a 5 year old, a 16 year old and a 35 year old.  So the first Barbie looked like an ordinary doll.  The second showed the Barbie sticking out of a trash can, legs first, with an iPhone in the foreground.  The third showed a Barbie pictured in a Toys R Us ad, along with a purchase receipt.

The drawings were very good, but I think that RISD may find this approach to be particularly impressive.

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