Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Canada's hockey gold - as reflected in Facebook updates

This a pretty fascinating post on TechCrunch - the number of Facebook status updates soared when the U.S. tied Canada with 24 seconds to go in the gold medal hockey game, and then exploded when Canada scored to win the game in overtime!

Here is the graphic that TechCrunch provided:

TC says those two spikes represent 3.5 million status updates.  Quite a lot.

But I was also interested in TC's statement that, while Facebook claims 400 million users, only 35 million are "active status updaters," and they post about 60 million updates a day.  So that means less than 10% of FB's users are actively updating their status, and they each do so less than twice a day.  Seems like a much lower usage rate of Facebook than the public has been led to believe.

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