Sunday, May 2, 2010

A sports kind of Saturday

Yesterday was sort of reserved for sports.

I played golf in the morning with friends at The Bridges (shot 83, but I was 11 over after 10 on some bad tee shots and then even par for the last 8 holes).

Then we went to see our nephew Justin play lacrosse - his team won 9-3, and their record is now 11-1.  Pretty impressive.

Finally, after some miscellaneous stuff (including transporting Abby from a show she is working as asst. stage manager to her school where she is starring in another show), we settled in late to watch the Vancouver Canucks beat the Chicago Blackhawks in the first game of their Stanley Cup series.

Lots of sports.  Sunday will not be that focused (except for the Sharks game in the evening!).

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